I think the last time I updated you on Norma Decamp she was living in the Dominican Republic working in her son's mission. She gave up her thriving Santa making business to labor hard physically in a very different climate and conditions than her North Carolina cottage. A serious illness made her reconsider her choice and move back home.
I'm sure all her collectors are happy to see her well and back making Santas. I understand her wanting to be right in the trenches working but I think donations from the proceeds of her Santas might be more helpful. She was given a talent and the best use for that is to keep right on fashioning her Santas and Belsnickles.
Norma has 1000's of pictures of her Santas and she sent me around 300 of them so I could make a slide show so her collectors could see her past and recent work. I felt kind of honored to be entrusted with this.
I came up with a very simple DVD of about 300 of her Santa photos and I have it for sale here at $14.99 . Fifty percent of the profits go to Norma who sends them to her son's mission. A second DVD is already in the planning stages.The DVD is about 30 minutes long and I think might be a nice little "background" to put on the television at Christmas when a movie might be too intrusive.