Today was a good day. I thought a smile would be appropriate. It's not my smile but it certainly captures the way I feel. Not that anything spectacular happened. I didn't win the lotto, magically drop 5 pounds or have Oprah or Martha Stewart call inviting me to appear on their shows. But it's a beautiful day, the air is filled with the scent of crabapple and lilac blossoms. I accomplished pretty much everything I set out to, all the nagging unanswered emails, the paying of the bills. I'll soon be on my way out the door to a drawing class I'm taking. I'm excited about the possibility of sketching a face that looks more like a portrait than a cartoon. Maybe it's just spring and life feels full of hope.
The little pumpkin man is a reproduction of a vintage Halloween toy. And really in honor of a friend recently passed who loved Halloween very much. And I miss her very much.